Welcome to my portfolio websiteProfile picture of Marina Sideri

I am a full-stack JavaScript web developer based in London, currently learning and working at Founders & Coders.

With a civil engineering background and more than three years of experience in technical consultancy roles, I decided to transfer my engineering thinking into the creative world of web development.

I love building apps and websites and learning new technologies. Check out some of my projects.


Individual project HTML5 logo CSS3 logo
A tribute web page to the graphic artist, M.C. Escher. Created using Bootstrap, as part of the freeCodeCamp front-end course. Deployed on GitHub pages.

Tribute page to M.S. Escher
Desktop view of my tribute page for M.S. Escher

Individual project HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
A random quote generator. Created using jQuery, as part of the freeCodeCamp front-end course. Deployed on GitHub pages.

Quote machine generator
View of my quote machine generator website

Team project Node.js logo HTML5 logo CSS3 logo
A word finder app with autcomplete functionality and Google search redirection. Created as a team project for the Founders & Coders course using a Node server setup. Deployed on Heroku.

Autocomplete app
Demo of autocomplete app

Team project HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
A portfolio website to showcase Founders & Coders to the world. Built as a team project based on a responsive web design and vanilla client-side JavaScript. Deployed on GitHub pages.

Globe town devs website
Mobile view of Globe Town Devs

Individual project HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
A web app that queries a weather API and shows the current weather based on the user location. Created using jQuery, as part of the freeCodeCamp front-end course.

Weather app
View of weather app

Team project hapi.js logo HTML5 logo CSS3 logo
A web app to search for recipes and request Tesco shopping lists for recipe ingredients. Built as a team project for the Founders & Coders course using a hapi server setup and querying data from two web APIs. Deployed on Heroku.

Get Recipes And Groceries app
Mobile view of grags app

Team project HTML5 logo CSS3 logo JavaScript logo
A responsive news feed website that queries two web APIs using vanilla client-side JavaScript. Built as a team project for the Founders & Coders course.

News visualiser website
Mobile view of news visualiser app

Team project hapi.js logo PostgreSQL logo Handlebars.js logo HTML5 logo CSS3 logo
A platform for writing and sharing reviews of coding resources. Built as a team project for the Founders & Coders course using a hapi server setup, a PostgreSQL local database, Handlebars templates and session management using cookies.

Open Code Database app
Demo of OCD-B app

Team project hapi.js logo Handlebars.js logo HTML5 logo CSS3 logo
A time management app which integrates with GitHub using OAuth. Built as a team project for the Founders & Coders course using a hapi server setup, Handlebars templates and session management using cookies.

GitPom app
Demo of GitPom app


Get in touch for feedback, questions or even just to say hi!